Digital Identity Summit
...United States were unable to join us due to the shutdown). Summit Delegates at Admiralty House On the agenda was the universal identity challenges of privacy, user experience and standards...
...United States were unable to join us due to the shutdown). Summit Delegates at Admiralty House On the agenda was the universal identity challenges of privacy, user experience and standards...
...standards for identity assurance. The service auditors are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) for carrying out service assessments. Compliant with contractual requirements Each certified company operates under...
...bodies that are accredited to do this work so that there's a range of bodies that can meet a growing demand for certification services. We’ve been working with the United...
The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) recently published a proposal for future work on the topic of digital identity. UNCITRAL brings together governments, academics, lawyers and industry...
...but also to the identity scheme operated by Connect.Gov in the United States. At the time we wrote about how the paper raised some interesting issues about how federated identity...