Supporting Welsh language users of GOV.UK Verify / Cefnogi defnyddwyr GOV.UK Verify drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg

We have started to roll out a Welsh language version of GOV.UK Verify - learn more from Service Manager Stephen Dunn.
Posts explaining aspects of GOV.UK Verify and how it works
We have started to roll out a Welsh language version of GOV.UK Verify - learn more from Service Manager Stephen Dunn.
Technical Architect Amit Muthu writes about how we’re going to open up GOV.UK Verify's code. He explains what we’ve opened so far, where we aim to get to, and the process we will follow to get there.
Howard Staple, GOV.UK Verify's Security Operations Lead, looks at how GOV.UK Verify manages risks related to the use, processing, storage, and transmission of data.
"Having developed the service for security and availability we then plan for disaster" - Head of Operations, Liz Sarginson, shares how we deal with incidents that affect how users' experience of GOV.UK Verify.
GOV.UK Verify's service manager Stephen Dunn explains some of the tools and systems that support GOV.UK Verify, as well as those that help the wider federation to run smoothly and securely.
Point 7 of the Digital by Default Service Standard for a live service requires us to: Evaluate what user data and information the digital service will be providing or storing, and address the security level, legal responsibilities, privacy issues and …
We signed new contracts with 9 certified companies in March 2015. We’re coming to the end of the process in which certified companies work to meet all the standards and complete all the tasks needed to start providing services through …
Over a year ago I wrote a blog post about how we protect users’ privacy when signing in to a GOV.UK service with GOV.UK Verify. In that post I gave an overview of some of the things we do to …
Put in place a sustainable multidisciplinary team that can design, build and operate the service, led by a suitably skilled and senior service manager with decision-making responsibility. (Digital by Default Service Standard, point 3)
GOV.UK Verify is on track to go live in April and we’ve set some ambitious objectives for what we want to achieve between now and then. One thing we’re aiming to do is increase our demographic coverage to around 90% …