GOV.UK Verify for local government: outputs of our first discovery events

This post provides an update on our our discovery work with local authorities.
Posts about our work with industry to help stimulate a market of identity services
This post provides an update on our our discovery work with local authorities.
In future could you use your Facebook or Linkedin account as part of the verification process? Industry Engagement lead Livia Ralph shares details of a project, conducted with private sector partners via Open Identity Exchange, looking the use of different sources of activity history when proving an individual is who they say they are.
On 15 July we held the first of 2 discovery days to examine how local authority taxi licensing, concessionary travel and parking permit services might be improved using GOV.UK Verify and Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) services. Here's a summary.
Linda O'Halloran is a Senior Business Analyst looking at the need for GOV.UK Verify in local government. In this post she shares an update on our latest work in this area.
David Rennie leads on industry engagement for GOV.UK Verify and in this post he provides an update on our work with the private sector.
Ian Litton of Warwickshire County Council and Michael Clark of the Government Digital Service provide an update on the work that local authorities and GDS have done together on citizen identity needs for local authority services. Learn how you can get involved in upcoming pilots.
GOV.UK Verify works with the Open Identity Exchange (OIX) to explore potential applications of digital identities around Europe in the private sector. In this guest post, Ewan Willars, Policy Director for the British Bankers’ Association (BBA), shares an insight into …
GOV.UK Verify allows you to choose a certified company to verify your identity. This federated model - with government setting the standards for identity assurance and certified companies responsible for developing and delivering services that meet those standards - is …
We recently blogged about a consultation that the Open Identity Exchange (OIX) is running on the private sector’s needs for identity assurance. You can read the white paper to see the progress of this project so far. OIX has now announced a …
Today I was excited to speak at Follow the Entrepreneur 2015, an event hosted in partnership with OIX UK, about how we’re developing a market for identity services in the UK. Here's a film of my presentation: I've also made my slides …