Improving GOV.UK Verify’s demographic coverage - an update on Northern Ireland

Richard Higson provides an update on our demographic work using data which allows us to estimate and better understand GOV.UK Verify’s coverage in Northern Ireland.
Richard Higson provides an update on our demographic work using data which allows us to estimate and better understand GOV.UK Verify’s coverage in Northern Ireland.
This is the first in a series of posts from the GOV.UK Verify user support team where we’ll talk about the issues our users have experienced, how we respond to these queries, and how we measure user feedback and the impact of the support given.
Richard Higson and Kyran Dale provide the latest update on GOV.UK Verify's demographic coverage, how it's improved and how it will continue to do so.
We have just reached a new milestone on GOV.UK Verify - our 100th round of usability testing. 100 rounds of usability testing is certainly a lot. Here are some numbers to put it into context
User researcher Polly Gannaway shares some of what we’ve learnt conducting accessibility research for GOV.UK Verify.
We have started to roll out a Welsh language version of GOV.UK Verify - learn more from Service Manager Stephen Dunn.
GOV.UK Verify's Head of Policy and Engagement Jess McEvoy shares an overview of how we’re working to make GOV.UK Verify the default way to prove your identity online when accessing government services.
The GDS Design Principles state that services should start with user needs. To pass the Digital by Default Service Assessment for a live service, the service manager must demonstrate that the team building service understands user needs and has undertaken …
GOV.UK Verify is on track to go live in April and we’ve set some ambitious objectives for what we want to achieve between now and then. One thing we’re aiming to do is increase our demographic coverage to around 90% …
This is a short post to let you know what support will be available for people using GOV.UK Verify over the festive period. The GOV.UK Verify user support desk is available Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm to answer your …