The Digital 5 Summit 2016

Alastair Treharne, Head of Identity Standards and Fraud Prevention, attended the Digital 5 summit 2016 in South Korea in November. In this blog post, he provides insight into a workshop he attended on identity assurance.
Events we've hosted or attended
Alastair Treharne, Head of Identity Standards and Fraud Prevention, attended the Digital 5 summit 2016 in South Korea in November. In this blog post, he provides insight into a workshop he attended on identity assurance.
On 26 October 2015 the Minister for the Cabinet Office Matt Hancock spoke at the Institute for Government on how digital transformation can improve government services. In this excerpt he talks about the development of GOV.UK Verify and how he verified his …
Today I was excited to speak at Follow the Entrepreneur 2015, an event hosted in partnership with OIX UK, about how we’re developing a market for identity services in the UK. Here's a film of my presentation: I've also made my slides …
Today we held our monthly meeting for service managers that are planning to start using GOV.UK Verify. Janet recently wrote about the services that plan to start using GOV.UK Verify over the next 6 months and how, by March 2016, …
This week we’ve published the slides from our recent market briefing event. We held the event on 30 October to make the market aware of developments on the Identity Assurance Programme since our previous briefing event in April. We’ve explained in …
At the end of November we will publish a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) to launch a procurement exercise for suppliers interested in becoming identity providers (IDPs).
Watch Janet Hughes demonstrating the identity assurance private beta service at the recent OIX UK, Economics of Identity Summit. This is work in progress, presented to give a flavour of how it will work. The service is liable to change quite a …
On Monday 9th June OIX UK presented Economics of Identity, their highly anticipated, fully booked event hosted at the KPMG offices in London.
Once upon a time a mobile phone was just a phone that you could take when you left the house. Now nearly every digital device is a 'mobile' and mobile identity is becoming more and more important.
Last week, the GDS Identity Assurance Programme, as an acknowledged leader in the space, played host to government counterparts from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Japan, New Zealand and Sweden (sadly the United States were unable to join us due to the …